First Low Temperature Detector Workshop LTD1
1987 at the Ringberg Castel, Bavaria


Update on Neutrinos, Dark Matter, and Cryogenic Detection.
By L. Stodolsky

New Results on the Basic Properties of Superheated Granules Detectors.
By L. Gonzales-Mestres and D. Perret-Gallix

Investigation of Superconducting Tin Granules for a
Low-Energy Neutrino or Dark Matter Detector.
By K. Pretzl

SQUID Detection of Superheated Granules.
By A. Kotlicki

VLSI Superconducting Particle Detectors.
By 0. Liengme

"Minicylinder" Design for Solar Neutrino Detection (A naive proposal).
By G.Vesztergombi

Electron Beam Detection with Superheated Superconducting Grains.
By A. de Bellefon

Monte Carlo Simulation of a Double-Beta Decay Experiment
with Superconducting-Superheated Tin Granules.
By A.F. Pacheco

Solar Neutrino Indium Detector Using Superheated Granules.
By G. Waysand

An Indium Solar Neutrino Experiment.
By N.E. Booth

Cryogenic Detection of Particles, Development Effort
in the United States.
By B. Sadoulet

Calorimetric Detectors at Low Temperatures.
By F.v. Feilitzsch, F. Probst, and W, Seidel

The Possible Impact of Thermal Detectors in Nuclear and
Subnuclear Physics.
By E. Fiorini

Considerations on Front End Electronics for Bolometric
Detectors with Resistive Readout.
By D.V. Camin

Coherent Neutrino-Nucleus Elastic Scattering in
Ultralow-Temperatures Calorimetric Detectors.
By T.O. Niinikoski

Data Acquisition and Analysis of Calorimetric Signals.
By A. Rijllart

The Use of Rotons in Liquid Helium to Detect Neutrinos
By G.M. Seidel