Local Organizing Committee

Flavio Gatti, University and INFN, Genoa (Chair)
Luigi Piro, IASF-CNR, Rome
Gaetano Gallinaro, University and INFN, Genoa
Renzo Vaccarone, INFN, Genoa
Maria Ribeiro Gomes, INFN Genoa and CFNUL, Portugal
Daniele Pergolesi, University and INFN, Genoa
Loredana Gastaldo, University, Genoa

International Advisory Committee

A. Barone, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy
N. Booth, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
B. Cabrera, Stanford University, USA
G. Chardin, CEN-Saclay, France
H. Kraus, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
S. Esipov, University of Illinois, USA
F. von Feilitzsch, TU München, Germany
E. Fiorini, University of Milano, Italy
F. Gatti, University of Genoa, Italy
K. Irwin, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
M. Katagiri, JAERI, Japan
P. de Korte, SRON-Utrecht, The Netherlands
S. Friedrich, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
D. McCammon, University of Wisconsin, USA
M. Minowa, University of Tokyo, Japan
T. Niinikoski, CERN, Switzerland
T. Peacock ,ESA/ESTEC, The Netherlands
D. Perret-Gallix, LAPP-IN2P3-CNRS, France
K. Pretzl, University of Bern, Switzerland
F. Pröbst, Max Planck Institut für Physik, Germany
B. Sadoulet, University of California-Berkeley, USA
G. Seidel, Brown University, USA
W. Seidel, Max Planck Institut für Physik, Germany
C. K. Stahle, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
V. Trofimov, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia
B. Turrell, University of British Columbia, Canada
G. Waysand, University of Paris VI and VII, France
B. Young, Santa Clara University, USA